Considerations Before You Get a Marble Fireplace

Considerations Before You Get a Marble Fireplace

Before you invest in a marble fireplace, here is what to keep in mind.

When you add a fireplace to your house, it will likely become the centerpiece of the room in which it goes. That’s why you need to think carefully about what type of fireplace to get before you go through with the installation. You want a fireplace that offers aesthetic appeal without sacrificing reliability. One option we recommend is marble fireplaces, but there are considerations to make before you install one. Before you invest in a marble fireplace, here is what to keep in mind.


You need to determine how much money you’ll be spending on your new marble fireplace. Establishing the budget ahead of time helps you avoid facing surprise expenses down the road. A fireplace installation company can give you the rundown of the different expenses you’ll have so that you’re more ready to deal with those expenses if you get the installation done.

Make Sure You’re Getting the Right Type of Fireplace

Before you buy a marble fireplace, check to make certain that it’s the proper size and it fits the aesthetic of the room where you plan to install it. Along with this, there are safety precautions to take. First, check the marble slab for any dull or patchy areas on the surface. These can indicate low-quality marble. You should also check the back of the slab to determine whether or not there’s wire mesh attached.  When there is wire mesh, you should avoid it because manufacturers normally put mesh on more soft and delicate pieces.

Think About Fireplace Maintenance

Marble is a material that requires quite a bit of maintenance because of how porous it is. It’s susceptible to moisture damage and staining, which is why it needs regular cleaning done to keep it in good shape. Knowing the maintenance requirements of your marble fireplace ahead of time is important because you want to know how much time you’ll need to dedicate towards it on a regular basis.

Questions About Custom Rock Fabrication Services?

If you have questions regarding custom rock fabrication services or how to customize your home, Rock Tops Fabrication is here to answer them. Our trained professionals are here to make sure that your new kitchen is designed and finished in exactly the way you want it. We service Maryland, DC, and Virginia. Feel free to give us a call at 410-363-4257. For more information, tips, and tricks, and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, and Houzz.

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