Fireplace Decorating Ideas for the Winter Holidays

Fireplace Decorating Ideas for the Winter Holidays

Try these fireplace decorating ideas while you celebrate the winter holidays.

Winter is almost here, and with the season comes colder weather that just makes you want to bundle up inside and find a warm spot to hang out. Fireplaces provide sanctuary from the biting cold that winter sometimes brings, but something else winter brings is the winter holiday time of year. For those with fireplaces around the house, you may want to decorate yours so that you can stay festive. Try these fireplace decorating ideas while you celebrate the winter holidays.

Try Holiday Lights

Lights are a staple for many holidays, and that’s why part of fireplace decorating should involve adding festive lights. Pick out a style of lights that matches the holiday you’re celebrating, and add them around the mantle of your fireplace. Just be sure they’re not too close to the fire itself. All of your fireplace decorating accessories should be kept at a safe distance from the flame.


For those who are in the Christmas spirit, try draping some garland over your fireplace to get into the mood for the holidays. You can accessorize your garland by adding festive lights or holiday bows to really draw attention to your fireplace. You could also consider getting a Christmas wreath and some stockings to promote more of that Christmas feel.

Put Up Some Artwork or Candles

The right piece of festive art, or some candles, can also be a wise fireplace decorating choice. Holiday art can really get people’s attention, creating an additional focal point to any room you wish. You could have multiple pieces of artwork if you want, but given that your fireplace is already a focal point, you might not need to have many eye-catching features in the area.

Candles can add extra ambiance to your room, promoting a warm and cozy environment where people can gather and escape from the winter cold. It also doesn’t hurt that candles add extra lighting, especially now that daylight savings is over.

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