Here’s what to factor into the height of your kitchen countertop.
Are you getting a new kitchen countertop? If you are, then one thing to consider is your countertop’s height. Deciding on the right height for your countertop isn’t easy, though, especially if you have multiple people around the house. That’s why we want to take some time to help you decide on the perfect height for your countertop. Here’s what to factor into the height of your kitchen countertop.
Think About the Cabinets
The cabinets above your kitchen countertop will affect the amount of surface area you’ll have. If you choose to make your countertop taller, then there won’t be as much space above your countertop to store dining ware and kitchen appliances. Likewise, cabinets that are taller will limit the space that your countertop offers. It’s best to reach a healthy compromise that maximizes your countertop’s usable space without sacrificing the necessary storage space in your cabinets.
Think About the Drawers Below the Surface
Not only should you think about the space above your countertop, but you should also think about the space underneath it. Your kitchen countertop will likely have drawers right below the surface. In a similar manner to your cabinets, you’ll use the drawers beneath your countertop to store appliances. Since these appliances need to fit inside of your drawers, those drawers need to at least be at a height that lets you store everything you need to store. While the cabinets above your kitchen countertop will directly affect the amount of space you can use, the drawers affect how comfortably you can access your countertop.
Consider Consulting With a Professional
If you still don’t know what height your kitchen countertop should be, you can always get a professional opinion. Professionals have worked on many kitchens for many different clients, so they’ll have an easy time determining the best height for your kitchen countertop.
Questions About Custom Rock Fabrication Services?
If you have questions regarding custom rock fabrication services or how to customize your home, Rock Tops Fabrication is here to answer them. Our trained professionals are here to make sure that your new kitchen is designed and finished in exactly the way you want it. We service Maryland, DC, and Virginia. Feel free to give us a call at 410-363-4257. For more information, tips, and tricks, and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, and Houzz.